story of he and she
Just another day,
For this simple little guy.
He never came to much,
But he never knew just why.
Just another day,
That this girl would face again.
The days were hard on her,
An emptiness within.
He didn't know much,
He wasn't so smart.
But he knew what to do,
Just not how to start.
She was so burnt,
She almost broke in two.
But just like he did,
She knew what to do.
When they met that day,
Things changed for the best.
They leaned on each other,
and you know the rest.
He wasn't that bright,
And she wasn't that strong.
Bu Together they lived,
and made thier love long.
In spite of themselves,
they opened their eyes.
To the life they could have,
if they ignored all the lies.
The truth that exists,
is inside of us all.
We must remember every day,
And break down the wall.
The wall of the pain,
and the limits we face.
Rise up against the force,
conquer without a trace.
Give up the pride you have,
and the bitterness you know.
Realize that there is more than this,
All these feelings you don't show.
He and she did it for love,
And we should do it, too.
In everything I say this day,
Know that I love you.
copyright © 2000 daniel williams