I have a short tale,
I want you to read.
You must listen closely,
And hear what I feed.
There was a guy,
That loved this girl so.
But he kept it quiet,
So she wouldn't know.
The years went by,
It would not go away.
One day he told her,
He had something to say.
When he told her at first,
She was quiet and still.
As she walked out the door,
He felt a cold chill.
She came back though that day,
And hugged him so tight.
She was so scared at first,
But she knew this was right.
Everything's great,
Is what he first thought.
But the past that she'd lived,
She had not forgot.
The time marched on slow,
And soon all was lost.
The price was too high,
He could not pay the cost.
Alone now he is,
And alone she is too.
He was dead in her mind,
Not a thing he could do.
The story stops here,
But it's not over yet.
I'm telling you this,
So that you can't forget.
Don't let past control you,
And lose who you feel.
It happened to me,
My pain is quite real.
I miss her so much,
but life must go on.
I just keep on breathing,
even though she is gone.
If she's reading this,
let me say once more.
I love you always,
Even more than before.
copyright © 2001 daniel williams