with others

Gettin' ready for the sweetheart Ball. February 99. Hangin' out with Misti and pals. Easter 99. A little lakeside get together. Summer 99. A little lakeside get together. Lovin' the coke. Summer 99. The first shot of the Oz, taken around February of 2000 inside my kitchen. My 17th birthday. Summer of 2000, taken at Adam's old house.
Offerin' a little moral support. Halloween 2000. February 2001 shot of the Oz taken in my living room at my 18th birthday. A July 2001 shot taken right after a month from California, in Athens at an Angie Aparo concert. I'm pretty sure this was around spring of 2002. Startime! A May 2002 shot taken 3 days before graduation, in Josh's kitchen. The two friends that began my high school life with a Secret of Mana party posed for this memorable photo. Just one question, though. Whyyyyyyyyyy?
It was great that my dad came all the way to Georgia for my graduation. How's it going, sis? A group shot of a family that was torn apart before I was old enough to remember. Chances aren't good we'll ever get these three to pose again in the same picture, but at least we have this one. Red Lobster in Sacaramento! Gotta love the Pasta Salad. Summer 2002. Marine world was fun. Dorm life, March 2003.
Sweetheart Ball 4 Year Reunion, in the form of Prom 2003. The sequel's never better than the original, though. :( Happy Birthday Julia. November 2003. Auburn? Yeah, okay. They said 'Oz won't last until 2004'... but Atlanta... you showed them they were wrooooong! uh...um... Atlanta!! ... you showed them they were wrooooong! Tyler's Going Away Party in Athens. April 2004.